Google has announced that its Google Play Games on PC feature now allows users to play their favorite mobile games on PC, while ensuring the security and stability that Google Play is known for. The platform has received positive feedback from users for its high-quality, high-performance emulation and cross-screen gameplay, which has led to over 10 billion monthly sessions on mobile devices.

Developers can enhance user engagement, expand their reach, and improve return on investment by participating in Google Play Games on PC. Google has also made cross-platform game development easier by simplifying and improving the onboarding process for Google Play Games on PC, as announced at the Google for Games Developer Summit.

Google Play Games on PC is now available in 13 countries and expanding to Japan and several European countries in the coming months. Additionally, new games like Garena Free Fire, Ludo King, and MapleStory M will be added to the platform. The partnership with Intel will also allow developers to submit their existing mobile build to reach players faster, while the new Google Play Games on PC developer emulator has been designed for debugging and the build process.

Google has also introduced a release checklist to ensure that players have a high-quality experience on Google Play Games. Next Generation Player IDs will keep a user’s Player ID consistent across surfaces for any given game, while enabling them to be unique across different games.

In addition, Google has addressed the push for large-screen devices in the gaming industry and has recommended developers to ensure great playability across different platforms simultaneously. Developers can learn more about Google Play Games on PC at the developer site and watch all sessions from the Google for Games Developer Summit at

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