Product page optimization allows you to test different elements of your product page so that you can identify which elements result in the most engagement. Let’s learn all about product page optimization and how it can help your iOS apps. 

What is Product Page Optimization in the Apple App Store?

Product page optimization or PPO is a feature of the Apple App Store. It allows developers and marketers to identify the best product page version for their app. Apple introduced this feature in iOS 15 in 2021 at the World Wide Development Conference (WWDC). An integral aspect of app store optimization, you can use this feature to easily perform A/B tests to boost your marketing efforts. 

You can optimize and test different creative assets on your product page. App marketers can run each test to target specific locations for up to 90 days and choose the percentage of audience they want to view the test. With PPO, you can compare the performance of different assets and page versions which can provide you insights into your impressions, downloads, and conversion rates. 

What iOS Elements Can You Test for Apple’s Product Page Optimization?

Through the aid of PPO, you can test a total of three creative assets: 

  • App Store Icon 
  • App Screenshots
  • Preview Videos

Use the option available in App Store Connect to manage your iOS app. PPO allows you to create three different variations (known as “treatment”) of your default product page. Similar to A/B testing in the Google Play Store, you can use these treatments to test against the original store listing directly in the Apple App Store. 

Benefits of A/B Testing for App Store Users 

The key benefits of A/B testing in the App Store can help in:

  • Identifying which new product icon attracts more users
  • Viewing which screenshots portray the app better
  • Choosing the app preview video that improves user engagement
  • Understanding how target audiences differ based on locations
  • Discovering the impact of seasonal content or features on downloads
  • Saving time, money, and energy

Moreover, A/B Tests help in garnering relevant information that can help you in making data-driven decisions. When done properly, PPO can increase the number of installs, downloads, and ultimately app revenue. 

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PPO Testing Process in Apple’s App Store 

Apple’s Product Page Optimization can be performed by following the below steps:

  • Configure a Test 

The first process is to create a test, provide a reference name, specify the number of treatments you want to do, the traffic proportion between the variants, and target localization. Apple calculates the time to reach your desired improvement based on the targeted conversion rate improvement you provide along with the recent traffic data received on your product page. 

You can perform one test at a time for a maximum of 90 days. Although you can stop the test anytime, however, once the test goes live, you cannot make any changes to it. Alternatively, if you release a new version of the app, the test will automatically stop. Connect with the App Store Connect API to automate metadata upload and submission for PPO.

  • Monitor the Test Performance 

You can App Analytics in App Store Connect to understand the product results after you applied the treatment to your original product page. View the performance metrics from the next day after your test begins. Evaluate icons, screenshots, or promo videos and implement the required treatment.

For each treatment, you can see the number of impressions, conversion rate, percent improvement, as well as confidence level compared to your chosen baseline which is your default product page. If you are conducting multiple treatments, you can compare the optimization app page performance to one another by changing the baseline anytime. 

Additionally, you will see indicators throughout the test duration that will help you understand the current status of the page performance. For instance, the dashboard will show if the test needs more data or if one of your pages is performing way better than the baseline. 

  • Apply Appropriate Treatment

Based on the optimization testing results, you can apply a treatment to your original product page so that the modified version is displayed on the App Store. Remember that if you apply the treatment while the app optimization test is still running, it will automatically stop. 

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Therefore, before applying a treatment, we recommend you wait for at least one treatment. It can help you to understand if the modified page is performing better or worse with respect to the baseline, with at least 90% confidence. If your treatment includes an alternate site or app icon, you’ll need to include it when you submit a new version of the app in App Store Connect.

Steps to Create Your Product Page Optimization

Step 1: Visit your App Store Connect account and log in.

Step 2: Go to the “My Apps” section and select the chosen app or apps you want to optimize. 

Step 3: In the left side menu, scroll to the Features tab and select the last option- “Product Page Optimization.” Click on it and a pop-up menu will appear.

Step 4: Now name your test, and choose the number of treatments, traffic portion, localizations, and improvement percentage. The Apple App Store will estimate the time and impressions required to improve your app to the desired percentage. 

Step 5: After creating your test, you find the option to see each localization’s original and treatment page under the “Product Page Optimization” tab. Here you can test your app icons, screenshots, and preview videos.

Step 6: Click on the “Start Test” button in the top right corner to start running the test once you have uploaded all test assets for different localizations and screens. The test’s status will change to “Running” and will remain the same for 90 days or if you stop it before that. Your app won’t go live if it is in the review process. 

Step 7: Monitor the test progress in the App Analytics sections and check the impressions, conversion rates, percentage improvements, and confidence levels in comparison to the current product page. 

Step 8: As per the elements products results, apply the treatment so that it becomes visible to all App Store visitors. The App Store will also share its recommendation if any treatment performs better or worse. Ensure you have at least a 90% confidence score before you apply the treatment. Go to your test, select the treatment version, click on “Apply” and select the App version to which you want to apply the treatment.

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Best Practices for App Store A/B Testing

PPO can help you make the most of your app product pages. There are certain limitations like you can perform only one test at a time, analyze the results as per localization, complicated icon testing process, and large sample size, among others. Despite these, you can identify insightful information if you follow the best practices for A/B testing:

  • Don’t Make Too Many Changes while Testing: Make your control group as stable as possible and keep the paid campaigns steady so that it doesn’t impact the traffic sources too much. 
  • Plan in Advance: To use PPO effectively, plan all your tests and app releases that you can between the tests. Organize your testing assets on time so that you can utilize your time between two app submissions.  
  • Be Careful with Testing Icons: Icon testing is complicated and you can also get false results. Be wary of this outcome and abide by the icon testing guidelines to ensure the correct result. 
  • Understand What You are Testing: Always pay attention to what you are testing and the reason behind it. Be aware of the limitations so that it doesn’t hinder your app store optimisation process. 
  • Look at the Audience Sizes: You need a large dataset to perform the treatments to get a clear winner. Ensure you meet the testing criteria to get the proper result. 
  • Abide by the General Testing Rules: Make sure you abide by the basic rules of testing. Monitor your competitors, plan iterations based on market trends, focus on one localization, as well as pay attention to your current traffic sources to get the most relevant test results. 


Thus, Product Page Optimization can significantly help you identify which assets or versions of your App Store product page are performing the best. Follow the mentioned steps in this blog to conduct optimized testing and improve your installs and conversions.